I wholeheartedly want to recommend this wonderful offering to all and everyone who may be interested: Cleaning the House by Marina Abramovic Institute I participated in this workshop this May 2019 and am well impressed by the work these guys do as well as how they do it. During the retreat, my sense of time… Continue reading Cleaning the House – MAI – A Recommendation
The Limits of “Peak Performance” and the Benefits of “Authentic, Spontaneous Imperfection”
The Industrial Revolution with its metaphor of the machine as guiding principle (“Leitbild”) for human production and organisation brought upon us the idea of “peak performance.” Within this worldview sits the assumption that the universe follows mechanical, repeatable laws (Newton’s “Mechanical Universe”). Therefore, productive processes in essence are also predictable, which in turn creates the context for the concept of “efficiency” to… Continue reading The Limits of “Peak Performance” and the Benefits of “Authentic, Spontaneous Imperfection”
Cause-and-Effect, Dynamics, and the Implications for Transformation
I would like to start this one off with a story: A while ago, I was visiting a dear friend in his hometown of Munich, a city I had spent a year of my own life, well over a decade ago. As friends do, we agreed to meet for dinner, so in the evening I… Continue reading Cause-and-Effect, Dynamics, and the Implications for Transformation
Individuality and the Collective – Exploring Yourself within the Whole
This article was written by my wonderful colleague and friend Felicitas Vallot. It appears here as a guest contribution. There is no one in the world who will be able to tell you who are you, who you want to be or what will bring you deepest fulfilment in life. Exploring your individuality and moving towards… Continue reading Individuality and the Collective – Exploring Yourself within the Whole
Happiness as Inner Practice
The pursuit of happiness is a central theme in post-modern life. But what is “happiness” and can it really be “pursued”? In trying to find an answer to these questions, let’s first look at what it means to be “unhappy.” Commonly, we would say we are unhappy when we experience some form of spiritual, mental,… Continue reading Happiness as Inner Practice
Managing on the Edge – 13 Tips for Entrepreneurs
Ask any practicing entrepreneur how it is going and chances are, if you catch them in an honest moment, you will either get a really excited or really concerned and stressed answer. Such is the life of the entrepreneur, because entrepreneurship by definition happens on the edge between creation and destruction. Entrepreneurial activity thus inherently… Continue reading Managing on the Edge – 13 Tips for Entrepreneurs